Formerly called ‘Personal Power & Self-Esteem’
Next session starts March 2023
5 week co-ed psycho-educational workshop
Our new Personal Power and Self-Esteem group is designed to increase your understanding and use of important personal empowerment techniques. These skills will help you gain a more authentic personal expression, strengthen your self-image, and build respectful relationships. Topics include . . .
Healthy Boundaries
Conflict Resolution
Communication Skills
Pre-register by calling (250) 748-8281
Location: Cowichan Family Life
#102, 481 Trans Canada Highway, Duncan BC V9L 3R7. Use the back door on Evans street for our evening classes.
Cost: $75.00.
Five weeks Tuesdays evening: 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia – Gaming.